Ayo Olagoke is an Assistant Professor and Director of Research Connect. She holds a Ph.D. in Public Health from the University of Illinois Chicago and a Postdoctoral Fellowship from Washington University in St. Louis. Ayo is a leading Health communication expert and researcher on national health disparity issues and a disruptive innovator in the nonprofit field.

Follow Dr. Olagoke on Twitter: @OlagokeAyo.

We live in a world where it is difficult to agree on anything. Yet, one thing we have come to agree on is the need for data (evidence) in building a healthy society. The goal of Research Connect is to significantly advance the development of evidence-based, data-driven solutions in Africa by matching researchers with participants and stakeholders like policymakers.

Our mission is to facilitate the conduct of rigorous research, but it doesn't end there. We unwaveringly strive to disseminate research findings to stakeholders who will use them to make informed decisions that will improve people's lives in the area of healthcare, housing, education, employment, and so on.